
All you need to know about our API version

Versioning API in a nutshell

At Alphamoon Workspace, we keep versioning our API to maintain backward compatibility while also continuing to improve and extend the current API.

To put it simply, it allows us to introduce changes while minimizing disruptions and maintaining a clear distinction between different iterations of the API.

Version endpoint

Get version of the application

GET /api/v0.3/version

  "app": "workspace",
  "component": "rest_api",
  "instance": "4a8faf912560442488a2cdbdffd4cffe",
  "apiVersion": "0.3.0",
  "version": "230606063046-9fd1c20c-rc",
  "environment": "prod",
  "hostname": "backend-86d9d47bc4-k57tp",
  "uptime": "9 days, 0:04:55",
  "timestamp": 1686833350

API use cases

The API supports a variety of use cases. Here are some of them:

See next:

Last updated